Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Molly and Thady's Children: James ('Jimo') Manning, b 19th August 1908 died 25th Feb 1973

This is one of the last photographs taken of my grandfather, Jimo Manning, before he died in 1973.  Here we see him at his younger daughter's wedding - my mother Catherine Hally.  On my mother's right is her elder sister, Mary and to Jimo's left is my father's sister, Marie.  Jimo's oldest child of the three - my uncle Timothy 'Teddy' Manning - is absent from this photo and was not at the wedding because his son had just been born 12 days previously in England where Teddy and his wife Kathleen had lived since the mid 60s.

Jimo was born in Hector Street  in Kilrush in 1908 at the house where Thady and Molly lived.  We believe he was the second last child in that family of nine before Catherine was born in 1916.  Mary Manning above believes there were nine in the family in total even though we have Baptismal records of a ninth child Joannes born in 1912 before Catherine was  born in 1916 (she was either the 9th or 10th child).  My mother does not remember anything about a 'John' or Joannes either so the mystery remains here until we determine who this child was. 

Snippets of the Baptismal records of Jimo (Jacobus) 1908 and 'Joannes' 1912:


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